Vacation Children Must Be free from pressure

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Thursday, July 1, 2010 0 comments for hotel Horison
Various activities involving the students were held to fill the school holidays underway since early this week. Some parents drive their children in the school holidays to keep doing positive activities. A number of tourism facilities managers clean up in order to welcome the students who take advantage of school holidays to travel.

"For me, the holidays, children should be free from pressure. Therefore, the heavy lessons, such as tutoring school, abandoned, but positive activities like this to be done. The kids can still get their knowledge with a fun way, "said Leni (35), mother of Fawas (8) and Queen Almas (6) in Semarang, Friday (25 / 6) then.

Leni was waiting Fawas the middle of painting classes at the Club Merby.

Leni strongly supports the desire of his children. Therefore, when selecting activities, fully aligned with the desires of children. Fawas for example, chose painting class, and Almas besides painting classes also chose vocal class.

Juliana (33), mother of Jason (4) and Celine (6), revealed a similar. "They want to be a painter. Therefore, I support whatever they want," he said.

To fill the school holidays, Yuliana says more pleased to include their children with fun activities. Additional lessons such as cooking, for example, although only a short time, but very beneficial for children.

Krisna Phiyastika from Club Merby say, some special programs offered during school holidays and in great demand, especially for those coming from outside the city of Semarang. There are 29 regular classroom course offered at the center of these children. Beyond that, there are some additional classes in the holidays such as batik, hanacaraka, painting shoes, robokid, origami, xylophone semarang, and keroncong.

"For a special holiday program, although only one will remain interested students we serve. But not all classes of interest. Hanacaraka Program, xylophone semarang, or keroncong there has been no demand. Nevertheless, we still try to introduce the culture to children," said Krisna.

Moment of school holidays also used the hotel had to offer special promo. Hotel Horison Semarang, for example, launched a package of school holidays per 20 June to 15 July 2010. Public Relations Elfandari Atika Hotel Horison Semarang, said vacation package that includes two coupons for free play at Timezone and rickshaw tour to the center by-by in the city of Semarang.

In Bradford, activities that involve students, among others, organized the Young Muslim Family Scholar (Dictionary of Media) Brebes, on June 20 to 21 then. They held a Smart Adventure for high school students and vocational school in the Bradford area.

Dictionary of Media Brebes Secretary Saputro Adi Suryo, Friday (25 / 6) and, say, the activity was followed by about 70 students from seven high school / vocational school. In these activities, students get a debriefing of the material in the room and outdoor activities. Suryo added, an annual program organized Smart Adventure this year is the fourth held by the Dictionary of Media Brebes. To attract students to seriously follow the practice, it also contend each material being taught. "The response of good kids, they seriously follow the activities," he added.

School holidays are also utilized to manage tourism facilities attract many visitors. RJ, manager of tour boats in the area Beautiful Natural Beaches (PAI) Tegal said, during the school holidays, she offers a tour boat service every day. While on a typical day, the boat tour is only run every Saturday and Sunday. The number of boat tours that run RJ and his friends as much as eight units with a capacity of 10 persons per unit.

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